Shipping costs

General information

  • There is no minimum order value.
  • Your order will be shipped with our shipping partners DHL or DPD.
  • We ship bulky goods exclusively with DPD.
  • Bulky goods are pack sizes larger than 120 x 60 x 60 cm.
  • Articles with the maximum packing dimensions of 35.3 x 25 x 5 cm and a maximum weight of 1 kg are sent individually and exclusively within Germany via DHL Warenpost.
  • Only parcels transported by DHL can be received at Packstations. The minimum size of a package is 15 x 11 x 1 cm, the maximum size is 60 x 35 x 35 cm.
  • You have the option of specifying a shipping address that differs from the billing address during the ordering process.
  • Orders will not be processed on local or federal holidays.
  • As soon as your package leaves our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation by email.
  • If the DHL package could not be delivered to you or to a neighbor, you will receive a notification card with which you can pick up the shipment from the specified branch within seven working days upon presentation of your ID or request a repeat delivery attempt. If you did not pick up the DHL package within the storage period or if it could not be handed in after repeated delivery attempts, it is considered undeliverable and will be sent back to us.
  • The day before the delivery, you will receive a notification from DPD either by e-mail or SMS that a package is on its way to you. If the delivery is inconvenient, you have the following options: issuing a deposit okay, delivery to a neighbour, delivery to a DPD parcel shop, postponing the delivery by up to 7 working days. On the day of delivery, you will receive another notification with the expected delivery time window. If the delivery is inconvenient, you can always redirect the package. If DPD does not receive any feedback from you and you are not at home on the day of delivery, the parcel will go directly to a parcel shop, where it will be stored for 7 days for collection. An ID document is required for pick-up.



DHL package: 4.95 € | Free shipping from €49.00
DHL Warenpost: €2.95 | Free shipping from €49.00
DPD Classic: €4.95 | Free shipping from €49.00
DPD Express: €10.00


DHL Parcel International: €9.95
DHL Paket International including bulky goods surcharge: €29.95
DHL Warenpost International: €5.95

delivery times


DHL Parcel: 1-3 working days
DPD Classic: 1-3 working days
DPD Express: 1 working day


DHL Parcel International: 1-3 working days
DHL Warenpost International: 1-3 working days

If you order from us today, we will send your package on the next working day (Monday - Friday) via DHL or DPD - from an order value of €49.00 even (almost always) free of charge.

Delivery times with selected payment method in advance

With us you can pay in advance. You will receive the transfer details by e-mail in your order confirmation. We will process and ship your order as soon as your payment has been received. Depending on the bank, it can take one to three working days from the time the transfer order is created until we receive your payment. Please only transfer to the specified account and please state the intended purpose correctly so that the payments can be allocated. In the case of returns, the corresponding amount will be credited to the bank account from which you transferred.

shipment status

Your shipping confirmation contains a tracking number / package number that you can use to track the status of your order online. To do this, click on the corresponding link within the shipping confirmation or directly on:

Shipment tracking DHL Parcel
DPD Classic shipment tracking

Customers registered in our online shop can also view the status of their order via their user account.