Become a neuro trainer

In-house training in neuroathletics

As trainers, therapists and coaches, it is our job to make people better and give them a better quality of life. Whether an athlete wants to improve their performance, a patient wants to reduce their pain, or the general citizen wants to have less muscle tension, the nervous system is always involved in our actions. The nervous system is involved in all central processes of our life, but the central question is: How consciously and individually do we operate the neuronal "circuits"?

From a neurological point of view, the terms input, interpretation and output characterize every change process in the brain. Your brain takes in stimuli from its "sensory satellites" such as your eyes, inner ear and the inside of your body as input and interprets this information. Then, based on this as an output, it makes a decision to act, for example a movement. Since the decisions to act depend to a large extent on the information quality of the sensors, it is crucial to test the sensory systems individually for their functionality.

The clearer the input your brain receives, the better you will be able to act in your world. If the input is too weak or too imprecise, your brain gradually pulls on small handbrakes (restricted movement, pain, etc.) that prevent you from making progress in the therapy or training process. We take you into the exciting and fascinating world of neuro-centered training and its possibilities. The basic information conveyed is put into practice through direct transfer.

what you learn

  • Neuro-centric basics on the subject areas of sensory and motor functions (proprioception), visual system, vestibular system
  • Simple neuro testing tools that you can use immediately after the course with every patient/client.
  • Practical implementation: You will learn how to find individualized exercises tailored to the nervous system of your patients/clients.

what you get

  • Practice-oriented training with lots of knowledge and exercises
  • Participant Handout
  • Certificate of Participation

Bookable formats

  • 1-day format: e.g.: 09:00 - 19:00 (€1,800.00 net*)
  • 2-day format: e.g.: day: 1: 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. + day: 2: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (€3,400.00 net*)
    *Prices include travel expenses within Germany

number of participants

6-15 participants (from 16 participants the price increases by €100.00 net per person)

Interest? Then request your in-house training from Astrid Buscher at:

Neuroathletics training courses from our partners

On the websites of our neuroathletics partners you will find further training courses with different focuses and formats:

Z Health, USA
>> Exclusively with us: Save $600 on your Z-Health continuing education course

Kensho Academy, Kevin Grafen, Neukirchen Vluyn

German Academy for Neuro-Performance, Cologne

Intelligent Personal Training, Andreas Koenings, Bornheim

Jebrini Training, Yassin Jebrini, Cologne

Neuro-based movement training, Daniel Müller, Güsen

NeuroTrainingSolutions, Pieter Grimm, Freiburg

Physio Germany

R2comsport, Björn Reindl, Neu-Isenburg

Schlaukopf Institute for Systemic Learning, Erkelenz