Fit through everyday digital life with neurotraining

An email here, a pop-up window there, in between the ringing of the phone, chat messages every minute. In today's world, we are surrounded by an abundance of communication channels. The abundance of communication channels has many advantages, but for our brain it means permanent stress.

The seemingly endless flood of digital information tempts us to constantly jump back and forth between different tasks on screens. In the process, we forget to concentrate on one thing and thus to direct our attention in a targeted way. At some point, the capacity of our brain is exceeded - we fall into a state of digital overload.

Together with neurotrainer Luise Walther, we will show you a variety of exercises and explain the effects digital overload has on us and what we can do about it.

Strategies to combat stress in everyday digital life

The digital world has a profound impact on our brains. The constant barrage of stimuli from technology can cause stress. Neuro trainer Luise Walther explains which tips help in everyday life.

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