3 neuroathletics exercises for shoulder pain
Reading time: 2 minutes
In addition to neck and back pain, shoulder pain and tension are among the most common complaints in everyday life. Whether it's frozen shoulder, restricted movement or pain, sports scientist and neuroathletics coach Kevin Grafen reveals his top 3 exercises in the 5-minute video if your shoulder is causing you problems. Because the shoulder is always about more than just the upper body.
These three exercises can noticeably reduce movement restrictions and pain in the shoulder area and are suitable for everyone. Before we start, Kevin shows us a short self-check to check and take stock of the upper body and especially the shoulder. Often, the movement restrictions of the shoulder can be resolved by mobilizing the sternum , as the shoulder is connected to the sternum via the collarbone.
The treatment is successful with the ARTZT vitality Power Band . Starting in the starting position, the band is guided behind the back and stretched forwards with the arms outstretched. The upper back alternately pushes itself slowly and deliberately backwards against the pressure and then gives way to the pressure of the band again. This helps against tension .
The neck and its muscles are also connected to the shoulder in the body. If the neck is tense, this has a direct impact on the shoulder and can cause shoulder pain. In the second exercise, the neck is loosened accordingly. This can be achieved without any aids by stretching the head forwards and backwards without tilting it - very effective and noticeable all the way to the muscles in the shoulder, by the way! It is important here again to perform the exercise shown in the video slowly and in a targeted manner .
In the third exercise, the opposite hip is mobilized , which has a direct effect on the shoulder due to the neural networking of these two body regions. If the hip is activated - as in this exercise - an impulse is also sent to the opposite shoulder via the nerves. This exercise is also successful with the use of the ARTZT vitality Power Band. One foot is in the loop of the taut band, is slightly raised and now the leg presses away from the hip against the resistance. In this position, the leg is moved in as large a slow circular movement as possible.
All exercises are performed 10 to 15 times on each side and usually bring about a physically noticeable improvement in the current condition previously tested. This way you can treat and prevent tension or pain - not just in the upper body. Just give it a try!
Conclusion: Neuroathletics helps with shoulder pain
These three neuroathletic exercises can help you relieve shoulder pain and specifically activate your shoulder muscles. Through conscious movement, targeted stretching and the activation of important muscle groups, you can loosen not only the shoulder blade and upper arm, but the entire shoulder area . If you do the exercises regularly, you can also effectively release trigger points and prevent possible injuries.
It is particularly important to stretch the arm in a controlled manner in different directions and to mobilize the hip , as both are directly connected to the shoulder. The tendons also benefit from the movements. Perform each exercise slowly and consciously for a few seconds - this is how you will achieve the best results. Just try it out and feel for yourself how your shoulder feels better afterwards!