6 neuroathletics exercises for back pain
Reading time: 5 minutes
Do you often suffer from back pain, tension and lumbago? Neuroathletics trainer Kevin Grafen from Fitnessland Kensho shows you 6 back exercises that can help with your back training.
What is the cause of back pain?
What helps with back pain?
3 neuroathletics exercises for back pain
Back pain: lumbago
3 neuroathletics exercises for lumbago
Conclusion: Your back doesn't have to hurt
What is the cause of back pain?
The causes of back pain are varied. The most common cause today is a lack of exercise due to frequent sitting. If you work at a desk, you spend around eight hours a day sitting almost every day - not counting the end of the day. In addition, there is a crooked posture and permanently bent legs. This creates permanent pressure on the intervertebral discs and shortened ligaments. The human body is not designed to sit permanently.
The good news: You can do something about back pain with very simple measures. And that every day.
What helps with back pain?
Exercise is particularly helpful when it comes to everyday back pain. If you sit all day, you should get up briefly every 30 minutes, stretch and, ideally, move around a bit. A short, regular break is recommended anyway to clear your head and gain new mental strength. One to three minutes can be enough here. Maybe you also have the opportunity to take a few steps. Take a short walk on your lunch break! Height-adjustable desks are often found in many offices. They allow you to alternate between standing and sitting without having to interrupt your work.
Tense and under-challenged back muscles want (and need!) to be trained regularly. Back exercises help with back pain and can also protect you from injuries such as herniated discs and lumbago. Trained back muscles also promote a healthy and straight posture.
>> Reading tip: 11 Theraband back exercises for back pain on artzt.eu
For a short break in between, we have prepared 3 simple neuroathletics exercises that can help with regular back pain in everyday life.
3 neuroathletics exercises for back pain
Do you also have back pain, possibly restricted movement on the back of your legs, perhaps sitting too much in the home office and your neck hurts? The following three neuroathletics exercises for back pain can help you.
First, get an overview of the starting position by checking two or three times how far down you can get in the forward bend. Well, can you get your fingertips to the ground? You can then check directly whether the current situation improves after the first exercise.
Exercise 1: Raise your shoulders
In the first exercise, you will be helped by a Super Band , which will help you raise and lower your shoulders against resistance while standing. Not only are the shoulder and neck muscles trained, but the 11th cranial nerve is also addressed, which is responsible for relaxing the extensor muscles, i.e. the backs of the legs.
Here's how it works: Stand on the Super Band with your feet together and grab it as low as you can. Stand upright. Then pull the band upwards with your shoulders.
Do 5 - 10 repetitions of this.
Exercise 2: Eye push-ups
For the second exercise you need a vision stick from the Neuroathletics range. This will help you with the “eye push-ups”.
This is how it works: Hold the vision stick in front of you with your arm stretched out, look at the top letter and then slowly pull the stick towards you between your eyes - as far as you can still clearly see the letter. Squinting is intentional! Then it goes back to the starting position. After several repetitions, you will have activated both the flexor and extensor muscles, which are controlled in certain areas of the midbrain, through focused eye work - alternating close and distance vision.
Do 5 - 10 repetitions of this.
Exercise 3: Tongue circles
This exercise has a relaxing effect on the neck muscles and can help relieve headaches. The best thing: you don't even need any aids.
Here's how it works: Simply make circles with the tip of your tongue in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
Circle your tongue 5 times to the left and 5 times to the right.
Finally, you can go into prevention again. You will be amazed at what has happened.
Back pain: lumbago
The dreaded lumbago is a lightning-like pain in the lumbar spine. In medicine it is called lumbago. The pain usually goes away on its own within two to five days. If it persists for longer, medical help should be sought.
3 neuroathletics exercises for lumbago
Even with lumbago, exercise is better than bed rest. The curved, protective posture that those affected by lumbago tend to adopt can lead to painful tension. These can prolong the pain even further. You can find out which neuroathletics exercises you can try if you have lumbago in the video:
Exercise 1: Eye exercises
When it comes to the back, our eyes play a role that should not be underestimated. Both the flexor and extensor muscles are imperceptibly influenced by the position of the eye: If we turn our eyes inward, i.e. squint, the flexor muscles are activated. On the other hand, if we look into the distance, we activate the extensor muscles.
This is how it works: Switching between the eye position from outside to inside and back gently activates the back muscles and can help to relieve tension and subsequently relieve pain. The Brock String with its three colored balls comes to our aid. The first exercise involves “gaze jumps” which result in a constant, flowing change between the outer and inner positions – from far to near – of the eyes. In this way, the flexion and extensor muscles in the back are alternately stimulated, which often leads to noticeable relaxation.
Do 5 - 10 repetitions of this.
Exercise 2: Diaphragmatic breathing
In many cases, back pain also results in restricted breathing. Conversely, this means that conscious, deep breathing can have a positive effect on back pain.
How it works: Place the breathing belt firmly on your lower ribs. Additionally, hold your hands on your lower ribs. Now take a deep, long breath. The ribs should lift up and outwards. Then breathe out long and slowly. Then try to breathe so that your stomach expands in all directions as you inhale - as if you had swallowed a balloon that was slowly being inflated. This movement can relax your back.
Do 5 - 10 repetitions of this.
Exercise 3: Tongue stimulation
With the right stimulation in the mouth and throat area, you can calm and relax the extensor muscles.
Here's how it works: Place the Z-Vibe on your tongue with the tongue depressor and turn the device on. Slowly push the device towards your throat. Please be careful not to insert the vibrating pen so far that you have to burp.
Massage your tongue and throat area for about 20 seconds.
Conclusion: Your back doesn't have to hurt
With these simple exercises you can do something about your back pain every day. If you want to do something for your back permanently, you can't avoid regular exercise.
Therefore: Go for a walk, stretch every now and then and do back exercises regularly. Just a few minutes a day can permanently strengthen your back and keep your body in shape. This way you can avoid permanent pain, doctor visits and expensive treatments.