Portrait Hady Daboul

Hady Daboul

Doctor, Neuroscientist, Z-Health Master Coach

Hady Daboul is a doctor (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn) with a background in brain research on neuromodulation and neuroplasticity (Leibniz Institute for Work Research at the TU Dortmund), the variability of the human brain. He has been working for over 10 years with a neuroscientifically based approach in 1:1 care and trains therapeutic specialists in the field. With Systemic Neuroperformance, Hady Daboul has co-founded the first neuroscientifically based leadership consultancy. He is one of the few Z-Health Master Practitioners who was trained locally by Dr. Eric Cobb. In his daily work, he combines knowledge from medicine, neuroscience and the neurocentric approach (Z-Health) and thus covers a wide spectrum. The background to the work is findings from neuroscientific studies.

In the field of neurocentric training, Daboul developed "heyvie", the first user app for migraine patients, and "neurally by ARTZT", the first complete application for neurocentric training for trainers and therapists.

Evidence meets Neuro

Neuroscientific background to neuroathletics / neurocentric training

Neuroathletics, neurocentric training, neurofunctional training are terms that have been cropping up more and more in recent years. From the outside, the approach often feels opaque and like "pseudo-science". The lecture "Evidence meets Neuro" is about the background to neurocentric training. Because: There is neuroscientific evidence. And this forms the basis of the training. The lecture is about examining the background theoretically and explaining the practical implementation derived from it. Examples of exercises from neuroathletics training are explained theoretically.

  • Why are so many eye movements used?
  • Is everything that has to do with the brain just a buzzword or why is it getting so much attention?
  • Can we really influence the brain through such simple movements?
  • For which symptoms/patients is neurocentric training useful?

These and other questions will be answered in the lecture by Hady Daboul, a doctor with a background in brain research. There will be plenty of time for open questions, which can be discussed afterwards.