Neuroathletiktrainer Kevin Grafen hält einen Massageball in seiner rechten Hand und winkelt den Arm über der Schulter.

Neuroathletic exercises for more mobility

Mobility problems? Stretching exercises not getting you anywhere? Then try neurotraining. In just 15 minutes, we'll show you very simple exercises that you can use to improve your mobility.

Are you actually athletic, but are you lacking in mobility in terms of flexor and extensor muscles? Then a 15-minute neuroathletic workout can help! Neuroathletics specialist Kevin Grafen explains how it works in the video.

First of all, it is always important to take stock so that you can see how well the training is working. The video then teaches a neuro-centric approach to improving overall mobility - a nice touch as everyone is effortlessly able to do the exercises on their own. Let's start with the back of the body, which is activated by relaxing the neck muscles. If the neck is tense, as in our training model, who is a martial artist, this has a negative effect on the entire back of the body. A simple “nodding exercise” can help – let yourself be surprised how effective this simple exercise is.

It continues with visual exercises – yes, you got it right. With the pinhole glasses from neuro-athletics, not only the ability to see is positively influenced, but also mobility via impulses in the brain. Then the thoracic and lumbar spine is activated with small, targeted movements - here, too, Kevin gives easy-to-understand movement tips that immediately ensure improved mobility.

The next step is to optimize breathing with a breathing belt, because deep, torso-opening breathing also ensures more flexibility in the muscles. With the help of the resistance provided by the breathing belt, this can be done very quickly and effectively. The vision stick from neuro-athletics is also used before Kevin shows a particularly effective combination of several neuro-athletics elements to increase the stimuli. It is amazing and impressive how quickly and effectively simple exercises can lead to a significant improvement in mobility after only 15 minutes of training. Just try it!

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