Yassin Jebrini
Yassin is one of the leading coaches and trainers in the field of neuroathletics. He uses his experience as a Z-Health Master Practitioner, former competitive athlete (football & rowing), master's graduate of the German Sport University Cologne and long-time trainer to train ambitious trainers and therapists as well as athletes in neurocentric training and therapy approaches. His six-month neuroathletics mentorship is one of the most professional and in-depth training programs in the German-speaking world.
Neuroathletics in sports physiotherapy
Bottleneck regions – cervical spine stability & athlete’s groin
The neurocentric perspective is also becoming an increasingly important factor in sports physiotherapy. At the very least, it can represent an additional strength if sports physiotherapy also uses these perspectives and techniques in combination.
Thus, the combined view of both worlds can support rehabilitation, prevent injuries or even increase the performance, i.e. the performance potential of an athlete.
In sport, we often have to deal with peak loads, high load density and recurring microtraumas. Many bottleneck regions play a key role here, as they have a significant influence on resilience and regeneration. Structural damage that has been asymptomatic for a long time, for example, suddenly becomes a problem because functional deficits or dysfunctions are added. In order to keep the body functioning efficiently, we need every tool and every percent for the maximum possible success. Because with pain or functional limitations, it is only a matter of time before the body gives up or collapses. If we ensure rapid information exchange between cells and nerves, as well as high metabolic activity in highly stressed areas of the body, we increase every chance of success!
Increase your potential through simple methods from neuroathletics and sports physiotherapy and learn simple, effective practical examples.