Ein Mann mit Kopfschmerzen hält sich die Stirn mit der linken Hand

5 neuroathletic exercises against headaches

We give you five simple tips for headaches in the office.

5 neuroathletic exercises against headaches

We give you five simple tips for headaches in the office.

Mann hält sich mit schmerzverzerrtem Gesicht die rechte Wange.

Teeth grinding - 10 neuroathletic exercises tha...

Find out where teeth grinding comes from and what you can do about it with simple everyday exercises.

Teeth grinding - 10 neuroathletic exercises tha...

Find out where teeth grinding comes from and what you can do about it with simple everyday exercises.

Frau schaut konzentriert auf einen Laptop

Tips and neuroathletic exercises for more conce...

The many hours spent in front of the screen can make it increasingly difficult for us to focus on individual tasks or topics. Here are 6 simple tips that can...

Tips and neuroathletic exercises for more conce...

The many hours spent in front of the screen can make it increasingly difficult for us to focus on individual tasks or topics. Here are 6 simple tips that can...

Frau, die unter Stress und Reizbarkeit leidet hält sich mit verzweifeltem Gesichtsausdruck beide Hände ins Gesicht

10 exercises for stress and irritability

Irritated? Luise Walther shows you 10 exercises to calm down.

10 exercises for stress and irritability

Irritated? Luise Walther shows you 10 exercises to calm down.

Discover the best neuroathletic exercises for your neurocentric training in between

Back pain? Neck tension? Eyes hurt because you spent the whole day in front of the screen? With the right neuroathletic exercises, you can get back on track in your everyday life.

Neurotraining exercises can help you counteract everyday ailments. Just a few minutes can help improve your well-being and increase your quality of life. We will explain exactly what neuroathletics is in therelevant blog article.

Our neuroathletic trainers and therapists show you in detailed videos how you can easily do neuroathletic exercises at home. You can find everything you need in ourshopFor all exercises you will also receive helpful information and tips on various topics such asback pain,Headache,dizziness,balance,teeth grindingand much more. You can find even more extensive knowledge about neuroathletics in theneuro Blog.

What are the benefits of neuroathletic exercises?

The great thing about neuroathletic training is that you can do many exercises in between without much effort. SimpleEye exercises for myopiaFor example, you can already start with aBrock StringIf your eyesight is failing, you can try to occasionallypinhole glassesto wear.Vision Stickssupport each other inNeuroathletic exercises for daily well-beingif your eyes hurt or your shoulder is tense.

Athletes benefit from performance-orientedExercises for more mobilityand learn from athletic trainer Dominik Suslik howNeuroathletic Training in Footballcan be applied.

Start your personal neuroathletic training today and discover your potential! We'll show you how it works.